Play Practice Basketball

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Play Practice Basketball is offering 2 opportunities to #areuin? card members!

Free Player Evaluation

Our Player Evaluation is designed to give you a wholistic view of exactly where your player is along their development path, where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and a prescription for how and what they should practice. Our goal is to leverage the effectiveness of every minute your player spends on the court, and make sure they start moving forward toward their highest basketball aspirations.

To register: Fill out our Player Scorecard to provide some info on where your player's skill level is in 9 key areas. Then email us a copy of your #areuin? Card - that's it:

FULL scholarship to play in our Ignition League and Exploration League

We help youth basketball players increase their tolerance for intense competition over 6 weeks, so they can experiment with their capabilities in a game atmosphere without the anxiety of performing under extreme pressure.

To register: Please email or call/text (603) 932-5893


Prescott Park Arts Festival Camp ENCORE!


Athletic Performance Center of Exeter Hospital