Sail Portsmouth’s Sea Challenge Tall Ship Adventure
The Sail Portsmouth organization, partnering with high schools and community organizations, provides a unique learning opportunity to students called Sea Challenge, a sail training program. Students join the crew aboard a tall ship, explore the New England coast and learn nautical and seamanship skills like basic navigation, points of sail, helmsmanship, knot tying, communication and ship safety. They do fun stuff like climbing the masts, steering the ship and swimming off the deck.
Our guidelines are that the kids should be between 14 to 18 years old. We currently have 18 spots available and all applications are first come first served.
The voyage leaves Boston and returns to Portsmouth a week later. But what is really exciting is they will participate in Sail Portsmouth's Parade of Sail, where we will have the Coast Guard Eagle and other tall ships come up the Piscataqua river to Portsmouth with 200+ boats following them!
Students will be transported from the Kittery/Portsmouth area to Boston by bus on the morning of departure. This year the voyage is on the Denis Sullivan, a 3-masted schooner recently acquired by World Ocean School. The organization and many of the crew are the same as last year.
The cost of this awesome adventure camp is $1900, but for #areuin? card members, Sail Portsmouth is offering an incredible opportunity of just $100 for the week.
Here are a couple of videos to give you an idea what the Sea Challenge is all about:
To learn more about Sail Portsmouth, visit us at
To apply with your #areuin? card membership, please email a photo of your current #areuin? card to John at Once approved by John via email, please use this application to continue the process.
Questions? Contact John at or Susan Johnson at