Exeter Youth Lacrosse


Lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in New Hampshire and across the country. It is one of the oldest sports in America, developed by the American Indian as an alternative to war. In their nation's history of lacrosse, entitled Tewaarthon, the Akwesasne Mohawks of upstate New York articulate a guiding principle of the sport:

"Our grandfathers told us that when lacrosse was a pure game and was played for the enjoyment of the great spirit, everyone was important, no matter how big or how small, or how strong or how weak."

The Exeter Youth Lacrosse Association (EYLA) is a total volunteer organization. We are not sponsored or funded by the school district or the town recreation departments. The program is run by a Board of Directors and a volunteer coaching staff along with the assistance of the parents of all players. We are dedicated to the instruction of the game of lacrosse, sportsmanship, teamwork, and fair play.

The EYLA is open to all students who reside within the boundaries of the SAU-16 school district. Players from communities that abut SAU 16 towns are also welcome as long as their town does not have a youth lacrosse program.

We are dedicated to the instruction of the game of lacrosse, sportsmanship, teamwork, and fair play. 

All players will be given equal opportunity to improve their skills through participation and winning is considered secondary. The development of the child is what matters most, not winning at all cost.

Learn more: www.exeteryouthlacrosse.org
To register: #areuin? members please email Dorine Caswell at dccaswell@aol.com with your Full Name and your #areuin? card member id #.


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